Our Savings offer ways to secure your funds over a period. Create multiple goal of three, two of which you can top up anytime and the other, a fixed deposit account.
Aku Sika
This works like the traditional susu being patronized mostly at major market places, where you save for 31 days to reach your goal but withdraw 30 days. One day deposit is a fee for the susu collector. This one day fee is 3.2% which is charged at the expiry of your savings.
Aya Sika
This is a fix deposit type of account that is locked in the system for 90 days and attracts interest with no fees.
Barima Sika
With this, there is the flexibility to choose the number of days in order to achieve the set target or goal. Top up with any amount at any time. Ideal for mid to long term goals. Each single deposit saved and runs below 90 days (1-89 days) attracts a fee of 3%, above 90 days earns interest. Though deposits accumulate each single deposit has a different cycle and benefits.
When your savings matures they return to your float account ready to be withdrawn